

Thanks to the work of the romantic and modernist artists and theorists, the newly emerging Bright Apollo can take the integration of Helios' heart to be, for all practical purposes, accomplished, it being necessary only to bring to Helios' conscious awareness the fact that it is unity in variety that is the power source for artistic expression and thus for the communication of feeling among Helios' emergers. That is, unity in variety is the key to the consolidation of Helios' faculty of Will and Feeling, of his Heart.

Actually, If the wizard-warriors are successful in their quest, we can expect to see true formalist art become prominent—art possessing neither representation nor meaning—art which through a mere shift of intention can become expressionist, as when the artist simply determines that his or her beautiful abstract art will express reverence for objective Truth, Goodness and Beauty (this goal of the artist is possible to fulfill because the Beauty dialectic is contained within the Goodness dialectic and the Goodness dialectic is contained within the Truth dialectic).

Such works of art will become the content of the Truth Engine Ikon.

In this way, the Ikon will provide the Truth Engine's super intellect with a good will and solid values. It is in the Truth Engine's Ikon that the pure principles of Truth, Goodness and Beauty (principles, thousands of whose instantiations will be found in the Truth Engine's Logos) will be presented, and attached to feelings of great respect within the Ikon's expressive fabric. The Ikon, therefore, as a moral guide for the participants, will keep the work of the Logos—the deliberations of the great mind—on track as a search for Truth, Goodness and Beauty; and, in this way, the Ikon will function as the great mind's moral will. Helios' Heart will have acquired its Seat of Organizational Goodwill, whose three divisions will be dedicated to the love of Pure Truth, to the love of the Truth of the Good and to the love of the Truth of the Goodness of the Beautiful.

And Helios will now acquire a clear sense of the means of communicating noble feelings from human mind to human mind, thus achieving affect-integration of his mind—that means is sameness-difference-parity formal composition.

Consider these lines by Byron: "The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold, and his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold."

Compare this to, "and his cohorts were gleaming in gold and purple." Byron's version is structured by unity in variety and so communicates a sense of epic, timeless meaning.)

The Truth Engine will provide practical, "no learning curve" guides for complex tasks, some of which relate to the arts. One such algorithm + tools "step-by-step" serves as a guide to playing music in an "e-ensemble"—a Beauty Division step-by-step of the Practical Logos which applies to the ikon. The tools include a new keyboard design and a new scoring method.

A new kind of keyboard

Another such algorithm teaches the composition of modernist non-objective sculpture that expresses, in a very pure manner, Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

Four polychrome sculptures
