
TESkepS-UFO—The Truth Engine Skeptics Society-UFO

The mission of TESkepS-UFO is to apply a broad critical and philosophical, purely rational, skeptical approach to the subject of UFOs. In an attempt to bring clarity to the subject, we will organize, with TEUFOS, Truth Engine debates between believers and skeptics.

We have cast the Truth Engine method of dialectics as The Game of a Trillion Worlds (GoaTW).

GoaTW debate of all kinds happens in unending series, or tournaments, of debates on the same topic. The primary tournament on the topic of UFOs is the Great UFO Tournament. Individual TEUFOS and TESkepS-UFO chapters can organize local tournaments.

The affirmative resolution for all our UFO debates is: "Some UFOs are otherworldly devices" The negatives are "No UFOs are otherworldly devices," and "The arguments for the affirmative are not convincing."

In all the tournaments on this topic, TEUFOS members (the affirmative) will debate members of TESkepS. A Joint Committee will edit the TE article.

Suggestions for changing the companion article, The UFO Dialectic, will be developed within the TEUFOS and TESkepS chapters. The members of each chapter will select the best suggestions and will send them to the Joint Committee where they may be integrated into the article.

We intend to publish the debate videos in the Encyclopedia of Truth and in the Truth Engine Chronicle.

The Truth Engine is a for-profit organization: we seek income that is commensurate with the good that we do.

As of now, there are no local chapters of TESkepS.

The TE article for the UFO tournament is The UFO Dialectic, Parts 1 and 2.

To read more about how Truth Engine (Game of a Trillion Worlds) debate works, see Logos; click here to see the rules of The Game of a Trillion Worlds.

Joining the League of Dialecticians is separate from joining a Truth Engine society. To join TESkepS, submit your request to contact@truthenginedebate.com.

Go to the Chapters

Go to the games; videos and the companion book, The UFO Dialectic